Monday, July 8, 2013

Modigliana, Brisighella

On Thursday the 27th we took a two day trip to the small towns of Modigliana and Brisighella, of which both are famous for their olive oil and balsamic vinegar.  We stayed in a quaint agriturismo that looked out onto the town of Modigliana and also served us all our meals.  When we first arrived we ate a late lunch consisting of two courses. The first was various meats served with cheese and the second was pasta with a tomato sauce, but the most memorable taste was the balsamic serve with the bread.  It was the most delicious balsamic i've ever tasted; it was sweet but sharp and went perfectly with the olive oil. 

After lunch we headed out into the town to film our second documentary.  We started off by filming shots of the city and then ended up filming a shopkeeper playing his saxophone and clarinet for us.  That night we had another excellent meal at the argriturismo then had a short session of night class and watched the Iranian film "The Circle" while feasting on after dinner appetizers.  It was so nice being in the mountains where the air is clean and the noises and smells of the city are far off in the distance.  

That morning we headed to Brisghella around ten where we toured a clock tower and a small castle that sat high above the town.  Around lunch time we visited a little shop that specializes in olive oil and had a tasting session.  We learned just how much goes into making olive oil and the varieties sold throughout the store. Needless to say it was the best olive oil I've ever tasted.  I bought plenty of goods from the store consisting of olive oil, balsamic, olive and wine soap, and caramelized figs; all of which my family is sure to enjoy.

Overall I loved visiting Modigliana, Brisghella, and even Ravenna.  I love seeing parts of Italy that aren't thriving with tourists and have a special spirit all to their own.